
Jetson Developer Kits

  • Nvidia AGX Xavier Module


    Brand: Nvidia

    Model: Nvidia AGX Xavier Module


    The new Jetson AGX Xavier module makes AI-powered autonomous machines possible, running in as little as 10W and delivering up to 32 TOPs. As part of the world’s leading AI computing platform, it benefits from NVIDIA’s rich set of AI tools and workflows, which enable developers to train and deploy neural networks quickly. Jetson AGX Xavier is supported by the NVIDIA JetPack SDK, which can help you save big by reducing development effort and expense.

  • JETSON TX2 Graphic card


    The NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Developer Kit gives you a fast, easy way to develop hardware and software for the Jetson TX2 AI supercomputer on a module. It exposes the hardware capabilities and interfaces of the module and is supported by NVIDIA Jetpack—a complete SDK that includes the BSP, libraries for deep learning, computer vision, GPU computing, multimedia processing, and much more.



    Brand: Nvidia

    Model: Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier Development Kit


    Now, you can develop and deploy autonomous machines at scale with the powerful NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ Developer Kit. It’s capable of running modern, advanced neural networks and other AI workloads to solve problems in manufacturing, logistics, retail, service, agriculture, smart cities, and portable medical devices. Plus, it delivers up to 32 TOPS and can operate in as little as 10 W.

    The Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit helps you go fast. As part of NVIDIA’s world-leading AI platform, it’s integrated with NVIDIA tools and workflows that let you train neural networks faster, which means more iterations and better accuracy.

    It’s also supported by NVIDIA CUDA®, cuDNN, and TensorRT software libraries, as well as our JetPack and DeepStream SDKs. This helps you boost performance while reducing development cost and effort.



    Brand: Nvidia

    Model: Nvidia Jetson Nano Developer Kit

    NVIDIA® Jetson Nano Developer Kit is a small, powerful computer that lets you run multiple neural networks in parallel for applications like image classification, object detection, segmentation, and speech processing. All in an easy-to-use platform that runs in as little as 5 watts.